Single Column Mixing (SCM/SCM-DH)
Single Column Mixing (SCM/SCM-DH)
With the in-situ mixing technique SCM (Single Column Mixing), the individual mixing tool (mixing paddle with starter auger) is inserted into the soil resulting in thorough mixing of the prevailing soil with a binder. This is injected through the drill string during insertion of the tool. The binder can be provided either in dry or in slurry form. Depending on the system used, the binder can be available at the mixing tool either at high or at low pressure. Key advantages of the technique:
- High production output
- The prevailing soil is used as a construction material
- A small amount of spoil removal (an important point when working in contaminated soil)
- Vibration-free technique
The SCM-DH technique is mainly used for the construction of foundation elements, soil improvement, slope stabilization, prevention of soil liquefaction as well as retaining and cut-off walls.
The SCM-DH technique is a significant improvement of the SCM technique and extends the area of application into cohesive soils and also towards larger column diameters. These techniques are cost-effective processes for the construction of columns and walls as well as foundation elements and also for soil improvement

More information can be found in our brochure: